New User Registration
Create a Business Account with
Setting up an account with us is easy. In a few short steps, you are on your way to using one of the best assessment tools in your selection process.
There is a one-time set-up fee of $125.00 to setup the complete unique database system to keep track of your clients in the management center.
The management center gives you access to a number of career tools for managing your accounts and ordering additional keycodes. Each MAPP Assessment is $38.00, with a minumum initial order of 3 MAPP's. So, the minimum initial order is $114.00 + the $125.00 setup fee.
When you are ready, Click here to start the account signup process online. This will bring you to a secure page to place an order.
Take the Virtual Tour
If you would like to learn more before creating an account, take our virtual tour.
Coaches, HR or Guidance Counselors, if you are interested in taking the assessment please email us at and ask for a free Keycode.