Create a New Coach Account

To create a new account, you will need to give us some information. We have separated the process into 2 steps. In step one, you will give us information about your company. For step number two, we will request the credit card information necessary to process your order and will give you the codes that you will be able to send to the person who will be taking the MAPP Assessment.

Step 1.

Please fill out the form below:

Basic Company Information:

Account Contact Information:

Sign In Information:

The User Name and Password below are what you will use to login to the website and look at the MAPP results of your clients. Please ensure that you keep this information secure. We secure our passwords, so we are not able to retrieve them if lost. If you need to reset your password, you can go to our "Forgot Password" page and request that a link be emailed to you to reset your password.