Your MAPP Clients!
In this area, you will manage your MAPP Clients. On the landing page you will see the members list that contains anyone who has started the MAPP Assessment under your account.
The Members List shows you a quick link to your clients, including whether they have completed, and links to their details and results. You will also be able to download either a pdf or a word document from here, according to the settings that you have selected on your account settings.
Your Member Details
You can select the "Details" button on any of your clients and find out additional information about them and their account.
From the Member Details page, you will be able to view the information they submitted when they started the MAPP, view their MAPP results in any of our available languages, view they MAPP Summary Report and download either a PDF or a Word document in any of the available languages. You will also have the ability to edit their details.
Your MAPP Results
In the MAPP Assessment Management Portal, you will be able to download the MAPP results for any members who have taken the Assessment under your account. Here are some example MAPP results to show you what you will be able to download once you have an account setup.
The MAPP Assessment results are customizable for you, so you can select what portions of the MAPP Assessment are displayed. You can also have an email sent to you once a client completes the assessment with a copy of the results.